Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I'm Out of Clever Titles

California Fresno Mission=The Best Flipping Place Ever

Anyways, just thought I'd throw that out there for everyone to read.  It's good to get some solid truths in our hearts and souls.  Feel free to come check out the Central Valley anytime.  It may not appear it, but it's got SOUL!

Haha it's been another great week out here in the blessed Vineyard of the Lord and I'm loving being with Elder Flores.  We literally are just tearing it up together!  He's got a great personality, loves to run his mouth, and overall just loves being a missionary. It's contagious!  I love trainees!  They always come with such enthusiasm for the work!  Great stuff.

Eduardo Vielma will be baptized this Sunday!  He's committed to be baptized to prepare himself to baptize his aunt and uncle whom we are teaching also.  They have to get married so they'll have to wait a little bit....  He's so solid and loves learning with us and actively participates in classes in church!  What a stud!  So yes, the work continues.  We are working with so many other great people it's ridiculous!  Stay tuned in the coming weeks for updates on their baptisms and conversions!

Interesting tidbit of study I had this week:  Worship.  What is worship.  It's how we show our respect and devotion to God.  How do we as a church worship? You ever thought about that?  How do you personally worship God is another great topic of thought.  I've come to the conclusion through studies this week that worship is imitation.  Being a sports fan, following People's magazine, or movies, whatever, are all small forms of worship.  We want to be like them or have something we've seen from their.  We like how we feel when we read, watch, or listen to them.  The same goes for our worship with God.  When we truly worship Him, we imitate Him.  And since in John chapter 5 verse 19 states that "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do," we are following the Father by doing what The Son has shown us to do.  True worship is becoming like God through our daily actions.  If we truly worship God then we'll show it in how we live.  And since God is a jealous God, he asks us to worship Him over all other things. So anyways, hopefully that all makes sense.  It was a cool topic of study for me this week and hopefully it made y'all think a little.

Anyways, this work continues to roll on filling the whole earth and I'm immensely grateful to be able to be a part of it!

Elder Frame

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